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The Story of a Needle

The Story of a Needle

by A. L. O. E. (A Lady of England)

I REALLY can say nothing of my earliest days except from report. I have heard, but I can hardly believe it, that I was once part of a rough mass of iron ore, that had lain for ages in a dark mine in Cornwall; that I was dug out, and put into a huge furnace, and heated till I became red-hot, and melted; that I was made into part of an iron bar, and ..

Flight Into the Unknown

Flight Into the Unknown

by Tom W. Harris

DiCredico squeezed a plastic bottle, squirting water into his face. Drops spattered and drifted off slowly through the air. Bailey blinked and stared. He was aboard the Ranger. Safe. Then panic came gibbering back at him as his body told him unmistakably he was falling."You're not!" snapped DiCredico. "No gravity, remember? Spin ship!" he ordered o..

Day of Wrath

Day of Wrath

by Bjarne Kirchhoff

The Wall of the Planets was so called because it pictured that solar system known to its inhabitants as the Confederated Planets of Norga. One entire wall of the Council Chamber in the Hall of the Rulers was constructed of slabs of lapis lazuli, so cunningly joined that they presented the appearance of an unbroken whole. In the center shone a huge ..

Reality Unlimited

Reality Unlimited

by Robert Silverberg

Paul Hendriks had been in line since early the morning before, and so he was only a block or so from the still-unopened ticket-booth. His wife had come by from time to time, bringing sandwiches and coffee. Hendriks was determined to get a pair of tickets. They stepped inside and found themselves in a vast, almost boundless vestibule carpeted with d..

The Little French Girl

The Little French Girl

by Anne Douglas Sedgwick

A clock struck eight, a loud yet distant clock. The strokes, Alix thought, seemed to glide downwards rather than to fall through the fog and tumult of the station, and, counting them as they emerged, they were so slow and heavy that they made her think of tawny drones pushing their way forth from among the thickets of hot thyme in the jardin potage..

Chicken Farm

Chicken Farm

by Ross Rocklynne

Just in from a long haul searching for asteroid juncture points, Harvey entered the lobby of the Hotel de Mars and went straight to the registration desk. The woman at the desk, who was blond, and blue-eyed, and inclining to chubbiness, looked at him, smiled. The smile was of such quality that Harvey's singed brown face set into a mold of utter att..

Skid Row Pilot

Skid Row Pilot

by Randall Garrett

Kendall's six-month exam had been scheduled to fall due about four days after he left Earth for his present run. A midflight due-date of this sort gave him an option: he could take the test four days early, on Earth, or he could wait till the journey was completed and be tested at the Mars end of the run.He had chosen Mars, since otherwise he would..

Battle Out of Time

Battle Out of Time

by Dwight V. Swain

An utter dark lay upon the hills outside the palace now, moonless and with clouds drawn heavy all across the Cretan sky. Wind, too, had come with the night, rising till Burke found himself fearing for the shutters. The lamps flared on their stands with each new gust and draft. Light flickered orange and yellow on Ariadne's lovely face, eddying thro..