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The Laughter of Toffee

The Laughter of Toffee

by Henry Farrell

To the casual observer that morning Marc Pillsworth presented only the picture of a rather loose-jointed, yet constrained, businessman on his way to another orderly day at the office. One would hardly have guessed that he was striding forward into the first leg of a journey that was destined to take him on a shrieking, streaking sleigh ride of madn..

Armageddon, 1970

Armageddon, 1970

by Robert W. Krepps

They tried to kill Alan Rackham about an hour after he had seen the accident. They bungled the job. They shot at him from ambush—with an ordinary automatic pistol—as he was walking up to his house; and Brave, who had a sixth sense for danger which never failed him, knocked Alan over at the very instant of the shot and sprawled across him, a great s..

Jean Craig, Graduate Nurse

Jean Craig, Graduate Nurse

by Kay Lyttleton

The small village of Elmhurst, Connecticut, was enjoying a balmy early spring. The March winds were soft breezes coaxing the New England earth to life again. Night had settled after a long twilight, and gay sounds could be heard coming from the nurses’ quarters at the Gallup Memorial Clinic. The clinic, now almost two years old, was the pride of th..

Miss Lochinvar -  A Story for Girls

Miss Lochinvar - A Story for Girls

by Marion Ames Taggart

The big dining-room looked a trifle dreary in spite of the splendor of its appointments; in spite, too, of the fact that there were enough children’s faces around the long table to have brightened it. But though the six owners of these faces ranged between the happy ages of sixteen and three, and were all healthy young folk, they lacked the blithe ..

A Lad of Mettle

A Lad of Mettle

by Nat Gould

Lessons were over for the day, and the boys at Redbank School came running with shouts and whoops of joy into the playing-fields. They were like young colts freed from restraint for a few hours, and eager to make the most of their liberty.Redbank was the home of brilliant cricketers and all-round athletes. Many a noted cricketer had received his fi..

The Woodcutter’s Dog

The Woodcutter’s Dog

by Charles Nodier

Charles Nodier’s fascinating story “Le Chien de Brisquet,” which has enthralled generations of French children, is now introduced to English children of the present day, with a few delightful illustrations by that exquisite artist, the late Claud Lovat Fraser.In the Forest of Lions, not far from the village of La Goupilière and close to a fine well..

The School-Girls in Number 40

The School-Girls in Number 40

by Anonymous

Carrie’s glance around the disordered room seemed only to add to her perplexities; and, tossing back her bright curls, she bent over the large trunk, looking into its depths with a thoughtful air, as if studying the best possible arrangement. She did not appear to derive much satisfaction from her investigations; for, before she had put in a single..

The Weapon From Eternity

The Weapon From Eternity

by Dwight V. Swain

A name to conjure with, Ktar Wassreck. Master of robots, master of raiders. The brain of a genius in a pain-shriveled body. A mind that had fathomed the key to the star-stones; courage to strike even through Oyo's flame-death, staking his soul for Jarl Corvett at Horla.And here were his robots—towering metal monsters, set shoulder to shoulder. He d..