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by W. C. Tuttle

Alicia was bored to distraction. This was not her idea of a good time. She had been communing with nature too long for one of her disposition. She wanted some one to make eyes at, except a perspiring brakeman, who swore openly at everything connected with the railroad business.And with everybody in this pleasant mood, the train jerked to a stop at ..

Creepin’ Tintypes

Creepin’ Tintypes

by W. C. Tuttle

There ain’t no question but what me and “Dirty Shirt” Jones would like to go back to Piperock. Sort of a call of the wild, I reckon, and at that there ain’t many places wilder than Piperock.Me and Dirty started in to help “Scenery” Sims, the sheriff, put “Tombstone” Todd in jail. It was dark and Scenery didn’t have no handcuffs, so me and Dirty hel..

The Millbank Case -  A Maine Mystery of To-day

The Millbank Case - A Maine Mystery of To-day

by George Dyre Eldridge

THEODORE WING had no known enemy in the world. He was a man of forty; “well-to-do,” as they say in New England; a lawyer by profession, and already “mentioned” for a county judgeship. He was unmarried, but there were those who had hopes, and there was scarce a spinster in Millbank who hadn’t a kindly word and smile for him—at times. He was not a ch..

The Cruise of the Training Ship

The Cruise of the Training Ship

by Upton Sinclair

The speaker, a tall, heavily-built youth in a naval cadet uniform, grinned complacently into the upturned face of a youngster lying stretched out upon the orlop deck of the Naval Academy practice ship Monongahela.The victim, for such his uncomfortable position and bound arms proclaimed him to be, was much younger than his chief tormentor, and was, ..

The Junior Trophy

The Junior Trophy

by Ralph Henry Barbour

The train from the west that bore Bert Bryant to New York was two hours late, for all the way from Clinton, Ohio, where Bert lived, the snow had been from four inches to a foot in depth. Consequently he had missed the one o’clock train for Mt. Pleasant and had spent an hour with his face glued to a waiting-room window watching the bustle and confus..

The Story of Greece -  Told to Boys and Girls

The Story of Greece - Told to Boys and Girls

by Mary Macgregor

The story of Greece began long, long ago in a strange wonderland of beauty. Woods and winds, fields and rivers, each had a pathway which led upward and onward into the beautiful land. Sometimes indeed no path was needed, for the rivers, woods, and lone hill-sides were themselves the wonderland of which I am going to tell.In the woods and winds, in ..

The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. I, January 1860

The Cornhill Magazine, Vol. I, January 1860

by Various Authors

When young Mark Robarts was leaving college, his father might well declare that all men began to say all good things to him, and to extol his fortune in that he had a son blessed with so excellent a disposition.This father was a physician living at Exeter. He was a gentleman possessed of no private means, but enjoying a lucrative practice, which ha..

The Vault

The Vault

by Murray Leinster

The window slid up easily–too easily–and Mike waited a long time, listening, before he made a move. The whole huge pile of the factory was still. There were no lights anywhere, except that dim one by the gate through the stockade. Lying quite still in the darkness, Mike waited. There was no sound, no ringing of alarm bells, no bustle of activity an..