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The Lost Ego

The Lost Ego

by Rog Phillips

It was evening. Somewhere down the block a woman was calling someone named Johnny. Across the street a man was going up the walk to the house from his car. Next door a skinny man with a large Adam's apple was mowing the lawn. He saw me and waved at me. A nervous smile flitted over his lips.I started to take off my coat. Sudden doubt made me pause. ..

Preferred Position

Preferred Position

by Dave Dryfoos

But the damage had been done. At the word "coffee" a grotesque marionette opened the bedroom door and minced in with two steaming cups on a tray, swinging them artfully so that they appeared likely to spill, but didn't.For some years, now, that dance had left Janet unamused. She was about to say so when Les growled, "These darned dolls are a nuisan..

Milk Run

Milk Run

by Robert Donald Locke

The Star Rover, a rusty freighter that shuttled between Rigel and the home system, hovered above a transfer station some two million miles out from Rigel's twelfth planet, awaiting port clearance. Every crewman knew the skipper was oiled, but they knew the entropy barrier would set him back a full day, shocking him into cold alertness.Second Office..

Paradise Planet

Paradise Planet

by Richard S. Shaver

It was a queer looking planet. As his ship approached it, Steve Donay could see slowly rising and twisting coils of strange smoke, brown and silver and gold, like great snakes or the tenuous flesh of some creature of the air. He hated to think of setting down on that world of surface fires. But what else was there to do? He was at the end of his su..

No Sons Left to Die!

No Sons Left to Die!

by Hal Annas

Susan Wildress knew that what she was about to do might mean death. She stopped eating and stared at the ration of ground cedar bark, rabbit, and a hydroponic which tasted like eggplant. She pushed back her plate and glanced around at the tense girl faces in the huge dining hall. She lifted a small strong hand and ran it inside her sweater. She bro..

The Music Master

The Music Master

by F. L. Wallace

After the performers filed off stage the audience chattered politely and drifted toward the exits. Danny Tocar looked up at his mother, and, on impulse, detached his hand from hers and lingered behind. As long as she was busy culturizing he wouldn't be missed. When the auditorium was empty Danny made his way to the stage and stood among the instrum..

Special Detective (Ashton-Kirk)

Special Detective (Ashton-Kirk)

by John Thomas McIntyre

SHTON-KIRK is a young man of means and position. The unusual has a sort of fascination for him; his subtle perception, and keen, direct habit of mind cause him to delight in the investigation of those crimes which have proved too shadowy for the police.In “Ashton-Kirk, Investigator,” another book dealing with his experiences, he was concerned with ..

Robin Hood and His Merry Foresters

Robin Hood and His Merry Foresters

by Joseph Cundall

Tales of Robin Hood and his merry foresters were the delight of my boyhood. Many an hour which my school-fellows spent in games of cricket or leap-frog, I passed happily away in the rustic arbour that we had built in the corner of our play-ground, deeply intent upon a volume of old ballads that chance had thrown before me. Sometimes a companion or ..