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Peril of the Starmen

Peril of the Starmen

by Kris Neville

Herb wanted to cry: Find another! Not this one! Not the only one we've ever found with people on it!. But he said nothing. His anguished thoughts whirled like a dust storm, handling and rejecting ideas like bits of paper. The remote and inaccessible Scientists were beyond accounting. Perhaps only this planet would serve. Perhaps there was insuffici..

The Plagiarist From Rigel IV

The Plagiarist From Rigel IV

by Evan Hunter

I stopped at the grocer's to pick up some salami and a loaf of bread, and then I went back to my apartment. I lived in a small, one-room flat in the Village. I'd migrated there because I wanted to be surrounded by creative people. I'd been surrounded by them for close to six months now, but none of it had rubbed off on me. I'd finally been forced t..

The Sling and the Stone

The Sling and the Stone

by Michael Shaara

On the morning of the first day, floating in the cold of space, they inflated the station. It puffed up tightly to a silvery doughnut, and four men whose names were Krylov, Mirkov, Stolyakhin and Davchenko went to live inside. There was no ceremony. Out of a motionless rocket which hung in space nearby, other men came, trailing long wires. All the ..

The Art of Story-Telling

The Art of Story-Telling

by Julia Darrow Cowles

In preparing this book the author has sought to awaken a keener perception and a higher appreciation of the artistic and ethical value of story-telling; to simplify some of its problems; to emphasize the true delight which the story-teller may share with her hearers; and to present fresh material which answers to the test of being good in substance..

Beware the Star Gods

Beware the Star Gods

by S. J. Byrne

The thing was long and rounded and shone brightly like the stars. It sparkled in the blue-white light of the triple suns like a love-stone brought from the Faraway Caves beyond the Great River. And it was floating down on pillars of fire toward the valley. It was becoming bigger and bigger, as were Kuru's large, black eyes...

Earthmen Die Hard!

Earthmen Die Hard!

by Richard O. Lewis

The great ship from beyond the Galaxy drew alongside the tiny planet, matched its orbit, cut its drive, and drifted slightly toward the lone moon. The ship was nearly as large as the planet itself, but there was no interchange of gravity between the two bodies, for the ship was of a substance made beyond the stars.Inspector Ryt looked at his sky ch..

Journey for the Brave

Journey for the Brave

by Alan Edward Nourse

The base diner was hot and stuffy that night as Scotty Johnson sat with Mitch and Jack and the other boys, sipping his last cup of coffee before Zero Hour rolled around. Mitch and Jack had succeeded in sneaking him out of town before the reporters had guessed what was happening. Now they sat in silence, sipping their coffee, glancing at him from ti..

Memoirs of Bertha von Suttner (Vol. 2 of 2)

Memoirs of Bertha von Suttner (Vol. 2 of 2)

by Bertha Von Suttner

It is a great gratification to me that the story of my life—which I cannot suppose to be of general interest except in so far as it is linked with the story of a world-wide movement—is now put before the great community of the English-speaking nations; for it is in these very nations that the origin of that movement is to be sought, and by them its..