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Lady Rum-Di-Doodle-Dum's Children

Lady Rum-Di-Doodle-Dum's Children

by S. B. Dinkelspiel

The Dictionary says that a Preface is something spoken before. Usually it gives the author an opportunity to talk about himself. Some authors talk very much, especially about themselves, in their Preface. Mr. George Bernard Shaw writes more Preface than Book, and Théophile Gautier simply uses the Book as an excuse for the Preface. But you do not ne..

The Ranger Boys and Their Reward

The Ranger Boys and Their Reward

by Claude A. LaBelle

The boys made a dive for the mail and soon each was busily engaged in perusing the letter or letters sent him. As they are reading their letters, let us get acquainted with the heroes of this coming volume. Those of our readers who have read the preceding four volumes in this series, “The Ranger Boys to the Rescue,” “The Ranger Boys Find the Hermit..

West African Folk-Tales

West African Folk-Tales

by W. H. Barker

In presenting to the public these stories based on the folk-lore of the Gold Coast peoples, it seems necessary to say something in general terms of the economic and social development of the colony in so far as that development is affecting the ‘lore’ of the folk.Not until the civilization and industrialism of Europe began to penetrate into the dis..

The Garnet Story Book

The Garnet Story Book

by Ada M. Skinner

About the middle of the last century there was printed in England a children’s story with the attractive title, “The Good Natured Bear.” This story, written by Robert H. Horne, was reviewed by William Makepeace Thackeray, who at that time signed his criticisms M. A. Titmarsh. Mr. Thackeray wrote an article entitled “On Some Illustrated Children’s B..

In Texas with Davy Crockett

In Texas with Davy Crockett

by John T. McIntyre

The Mediterranean was a large boat; she was deeply loaded with cargo and carried a great throng of passengers. But passengers were always plentiful in those early days of the year 1836; for the situation between Texas and Mexico had grown acute; war had spread its sombre wings for a terrible flight across that new land; the adventurers and soldiers..

Legends for Lionel -  in pen and pencil

Legends for Lionel - in pen and pencil

by Walter Crane

ALL Lions have tails: some—like the one here—remarkably long ones. Some Lionels I know have “Legends” instead. The Lionel for which these were made is a great devourer of them, and he also has an appetite for pictures to paint. This book of sketches, the offspring of the odd half hours of winter evenings, was originally intended strictly for home c..

Silver Rags

Silver Rags

by Willis Boyd Allen

Pet Sibley was a girl slightly younger than her companions, who lived near the Percivals in Boston. When the invitation came from uncle Will Percival in June for them to spend their summer vacation, or a part of it, with him and aunt Puss—as the children called his wife—at The Pines, the girls begged permission, which was heartily granted, to bring..

Samantha in Europe

Samantha in Europe

by Marietta Holley

Young Martin never loved to be hampered, and after he got old enough to help his uncle, he didn’t want to be hampered with him, so he packed up his little knapsack and sot out to seek his fortune, and he prospered beyend any tellin’, bought some mines, and railroads, and things, and at last come back East and settled down in a neighborin’ city, and..