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Tibetan Tales, Derived from Indian Sources

Tibetan Tales, Derived from Indian Sources

by Anton Von Schiefner

The tales contained in the sacred books of Tibet, it may be as well to remark at the outset, appear to have little that is specially Tibetan about them except their language. Stories possessing characteristic features and suffused with local colour may possibly live in the memories of the natives of that region of lofty and bleak table-lands, with ..

A Merry Scout

A Merry Scout

by Edna Payson Brett

He didn’t belong to any patrol—he wasn’t a real scout at all, but it wasn’t Davy’s fault. He was only nine and a half, you see, and that meant two years and six months of waiting—oh, such long waiting it seemed to Davy—before he could wear the coveted arrow-head badge of the tenderfoot scout and go hiking and camping like big Cousin Fred.That is ho..

Broken Barriers

Broken Barriers

by Meredith Nicholson

Mrs. Durland lifted her head and called her older daughter’s name and from some remote place Ethel answered. Mrs. Durland was as dark as Grace, but cast in a larger mold, and while there were points of resemblance in their faces there was a masculine vigor in the mother that the girl lacked. Mrs. Durland’s iron-gray hair was brushed back smoothly f..

Another Man's Shoes

Another Man's Shoes

by Victor Bridges

Seven or eight weeks in England had been enough to dash all my high hopes. I suppose English business men are naturally cautious—requiring to know a great deal about a stranger's record before they care to accept his statement. Now my record, though highly interesting to myself, had been of a little too chequered a nature to inspire confidence in t..

The Spring of a Lion

The Spring of a Lion

by H. Rider Haggard

The story which is narrated in the following pages came to me from the lips of my old friend Allan Quatermain, or Hunter Quatermain, as we used to call him in South Africa. He told it to me one evening when I was stopping with him at the place he bought in Yorkshire. Shortly after that, the death of his only son so unsettled him that he immediately..

Fairy tales from far and near

Fairy tales from far and near

by Katharine Pyle

The eagles loved the child dearly and named her Surya Bai, which means Sun Lady. They brought her food and beautiful clothes,—clothes such as princesses wear, and magnificent jewels. Each day, after they had set forth, Surya Bai locked the doors so she would be safe. Then she played about the house with the little dog and cat and was well contented..

The Boy Scouts' Victory

The Boy Scouts' Victory

by George Durston

Nickell-Wheelerson never did come back. But that is another story. There were a lot of poor marks made that afternoon. With the two most popular fellows in the school going off, there couldn’t be much studying. Everybody tried to help, and everybody got in the way and had to be stepped over or pushed over. But time passed, and good-byes were said, ..

Hoppy Toad Tales

Hoppy Toad Tales

by William A. Hennessey

Hoppy Toad was a wee bit of a toad who had only recently seen the light of day. One day he strayed away from his home—a hole in the ground, at the roots of a tree. In doing so he disobeyed Ma Toad who told him to play close to his home. He hopped along through the woods, often stopping for a while to eat insects which happened across his path...