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The Practice and Science of Drawing

The Practice and Science of Drawing

by Harold Speed

The Practice and Science of Drawing is written by Harold Speed an English portraits painter and a member of the Royal Society of Portrait Painters. In the preface of this book, it is clearly stated that this book is not for students who want to learn painting by practicing mechanical drawings such as cubes, cones, cylinders and human head. Like ..

Palmistry for All

Palmistry for All

by Cheiro

Palmistry for All is written by William John Warner, an Irish astrologer who taught astrology, palmistry and Chaldean numerology. He has made predictions for many world events and his famous clients. His nickname Cheiro was derived from cheiromancy, meaning palmistry. He has written many books on Numerology, Palmistry and Astrology which are in ..

Camp-Lore and Woodcraft

Camp-Lore and Woodcraft

by Dan Beard

Camp Lore and Woodcraft is a camping guide written by Daniel Carter Beard, an American author and social reformer, remembered for foundations laid him for the organization Boy Scouts of America.   An explorer of nature has written many books on camping including The American Boy's Handy Book, The American Boy's Book of Sport, The Outdoor Ha..

Letters to His Son

Letters to His Son

by Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman comprises of over 400 letters written by Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, a British statesman known as Lord Stanhope. This letters were published by his daughter-in-law after the death of his son. These collections are mostly instructive letters brilliantly ..

Deadfalls and Snares

Deadfalls and Snares

by A. R. Harding

Deadfalls and Snares is an illustrative book on the art of trapping animals written by Arthur Robert Harding, an American outdoors-man who is remembered for his instructional series books such as Fox Trapping, Mink Trapping, Ginseng and Other Medicinal Plants, Fur Farming, Wolf and Coyote Trapping and Home Manufacture of Furs and Skins. This boo..

Boat-Building and Boating

Boat-Building and Boating

by Daniel Carter Beard

Boat Building and Boating is a do it yourself kind of guide book on the art of boat building, written by Daniel Carter Beard, an American social reformer and the founder of "Boy Scouts of America". As an illustrator, he has worked in many of the Mark Twain books like Following the Equator, The American Claimant and A Connecticut Yankee in King A..

An English Grammar

An English Grammar

by William Malone Baskervill

An English Grammar is a text book of spell check for the use of high school, academy and college classes co-authored by William Malone Baskervill and James Witt Sewell. William Malone Baskervill was working at Vanderbilt University as professor of English Language at literature. James Witt Sewell was working at Hume-Fogg High School as professor of..

A Child's Garden of Verses

A Child's Garden of Verses

by Robert Louis Stevenson

A Child's Garden of Verses is poetry collection written by Robert Louis Stevenson, a Scottish author remembered for his magnum opus Treasure Island. His literary contributions spans across many genres of novels, Short story collection, Travel literature and Poems. This book contains his most popular poems with illustrative pictures contains Childre..