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An Introduction to Chemical Science

An Introduction to Chemical Science

by Rufus P. Williams

The mathematical and theoretical parts of Chemistry it has been thought best to intersperse throughout the book, placing each where it seemed to be especially needed; in this way, it is hoped that the tedium which pupils find in studying consecutively many chapters of theories will be avoided, and that the arrangement will give an occasional change..

An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis

An Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis

by Henry Paul Talbot

This Introductory Course of Quantitative Analysis has been prepared to meet the needs of students who are just entering upon the subject, after a course of qualitative analysis. It is primarily intended to enable the student to work successfully and intelligently without the necessity for a larger measure of personal assistance and supervision than..

History of Phosphorus

History of Phosphorus

by Eduard Farber

The “cold light” produced by phosphorus caused it to be considered a miraculous chemical for a long time after its discovery, about 1669. During the intervening three centuries numerous other chemical miracles have been found, yet phosphorus retains a special aura of universal importance in chemistry. Many investigators have occupied themselves wit..

On Laboratory Arts

On Laboratory Arts

by Richard Threlfall

EXPERIMENTAL work in physical science rests ultimately upon the mechanical arts. It is true that in a well-appointed laboratory, where apparatus is collected together in greater or less profusion, the appeal is often very indirect, and to a student carrying out a set experiment with apparatus provided to his hand, the temptation to ignore the mecha..

The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition

The Chemistry of Food and Nutrition

by A. W. Duncan

We may define a food to be any substance which will repair the functional waste of the body, increase its growth, or maintain the heat, muscular, and nervous energy. In its most comprehensive sense, the oxygen of the air is a food; as although it is admitted by the lungs, it passes into the blood, and there re-acts upon the other food which has pas..

The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing

The Chemistry of Hat Manufacturing

by Watson Smith

The subject-matter in this little book is the substance of a series of Lectures delivered before the Hat Manufacturers' Association in the years 1887 and 1888. About this period, owing to the increasing difficulties of competition with the products of the German Hat Manufacturers, a deputation of Hat Manufacturers in and around Manchester consulted..

Researches on Cellulose, 1895-1900

Researches on Cellulose, 1895-1900

by E. J. Bevan

This volume, which is intended as a supplement to the work which we published in 1895, gives a brief account of researches which have been subsequently published, as well as of certain of our own investigations, the results of which are now for the first time recorded.We have not attempted to give the subject-matter the form of a connected record. ..

The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stone

The Chemistry, Properties and Tests of Precious Stone

by John Mastin

Some little time ago certain London diamond merchants and wholesale dealers in precious stones made the suggestion to me to write a work on this section of mineralogy, as there did not appear to be any giving exactly the information most needed.Finding there was a call for such a book I have written the present volume in order to meet this want, an..