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Australian Essays

Australian Essays

by Francis Adams

It would be absurd to suppose that it will not seem clear, to whatever readers this little book may find here, that one of the principal characters of the Dialogue is a man for whom we all, I think, feel more interest, admiration, and respect than any other among us. That this is so in reality, I must beg to deny, and I hope that, when I state that..



by Ernest Rutherford

In this work, I have endeavoured to give a complete and connected account, from a physical standpoint, of the properties possessed by the naturally radio-active bodies. Although the subject is comparatively a new one, our knowledge of the properties of the radio-active substances has advanced with great rapidity, and there is now a very large amoun..

A brief guide to the Food Collection

A brief guide to the Food Collection

by Henry Cole

The idea of the Food Collection (originally formed in 1857), now removed from the South Kensington Museum and arranged in the lower Gallery on the North side of the Branch Museum at Bethnal Green was suggested by Thomas Twining, Esq., of Twickenham, as part of a plan for the establishment of an Economic Museum that should comprise illustrations of ..

The Pharaohs and Their People

The Pharaohs and Their People

by E. Berkley

The growing interest that is felt in all that concerns Egypt and its past has led me to hope that there may be many who will be glad of a book containing, in a concise and easily accessible form, the chief results of modern research and discovery in the valley of the Nile. The Manuscript of this work was submitted to Dr. Lushington, formerly Profes..

A Farewell Sermon

A Farewell Sermon

by Joseph Holden Pott

When time draws on to a close with us, the last opportunities should be carefully regarded and applied to some such purpose as may show what has been the chief aim and the main design of past endeavours. A sad thing it would be, indeed, if the last portion of our time were to be reserved for some single effort: for who can accomplish at one step th..

A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington

A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington

by William Wright

A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington, on May 1, 1859being the day appointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the success granted to our arms in suppressing the rebellion and restoring tranquillity in Her Majesty's Indian Dominions...

Biblical Revision

Biblical Revision

by Edward Slater

Among the characteristics of an Age replete with new and unlooked-for events, perhaps not the least singular and impressive is the desire, now extensively evinced, for an improved translation of Holy Scripture.A solitary voice, it is true, has been raised to the same effect, from time to time; but it has gradually died away in the noise of worldly ..

The Clerk of the Woods

The Clerk of the Woods

by Bradford Torrey

The chapters of this book were written week by week for simultaneous publication in the “Evening Transcript” of Boston and the “Mail and Express” of New York, and were intended to be a kind of weekly chronicle of the course of events out-of-doors, as witnessed by a natural-historical observer. The title of the volume is the running title under whic..