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The Valley of Democracy

The Valley of Democracy

by Meredith Nicholson

In the re printings of a book of this character it would be possible to revise and rewrite in such manner as to conceal the errors or misjudgments of the author. It seems, however, more honest to permit these impressions to stand practically as they were written, with only a few minor corrections. It was my aim to make note of conditions, tendencie..

Are Parents People?

Are Parents People?

by Alice Duer Miller

Are Parents People?  is a guide book written by Alice Duer Miller, who is also the author of "The Happiest Times Of Their Lives," "The Charm School," "Come Out Of The Kitchen," And "Manslaughter".The girls marched into chapel singing Jerusalem the Golden. Some of the voices were shrill and piping, and some were clear and sweet; but all had tha..

Catalonia & The Balearic Islands

Catalonia & The Balearic Islands

by Albert Frederick Calvert

Every stranger who crosses the Pyrenees knows that Catalonia differs in many important respects from every other province in the kingdom. He has heard that the natives speak of going into Spain as if they lived outside of it; he knows that they speak a tongue different from the Castilian; that their enterprise and activity distinguish them favourab..

Seeking His Fortune, and Other Dialogues

Seeking His Fortune, and Other Dialogues

by Jr. Horatio Alger

Nearly all the dialogues in the present collection were originally contributed to a juvenile magazine in New York. Many of them have been used at exhibitions in different parts of the country, and met with a degree of favor which has led to their publication in this more permanent form. While intended for representation, it is hoped that readers ma..

Cubists and Post-impressionism

Cubists and Post-impressionism

by Arthur Jerome Eddy

Cubists and Post-impressionism is a short work written by Arthur Jerome Eddy, the author of “Delight, the Soul of Art,” “Recollections and Impressions of James A. McNeill Whistler,” etc.The young sculptor looks at the chaste perfection of Greek sculpture and says, “What is the use? I will do something different.” The young painter looks at the grea..

Elementary Botany

Elementary Botany

by George Francis Atkinson

The present book is the result of a revision and elaboration of the author’s “Elementary Botany,” New York, 1898. The general plan of the parts on physiology and general morphology remains unchanged. A number of the chapters in the physiological part are practically untouched, while others are thoroughly revised and considerable new matter is added..

Harper's Electricity Book for Boys

Harper's Electricity Book for Boys

by Joseph H. Adams

If a handy-book of electricity like this had fallen into the hands of Thomas A. Edison when he was a newsboy on the Grand Trunk Railway, or when he was a telegraph operator, he would have devoured it with the utmost eagerness. To be sure, at that time, in the early sixties, all that we knew of electricity and its applications could have been told i..

Magic Shadows -  The Story of the Origin of Motion Pictures

Magic Shadows - The Story of the Origin of Motion Pictures

by Martin Quigley

The art of magic shadows, which just before the dawn of the twentieth century evolved into the modern motion picture, was born three centuries ago, at Rome. There Athanasius Kircher, a German priest, first showed his invention, the magic lantern, to friends, and enemies, at the Collegio Romano, where he was a professor of mathematics.The world prem..