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The Rising Son

The Rising Son

by Wm. Wells Brown

The Rising Son; or, the Antecedents and Advancement of the Colored Race is  the biography of African-American race written by Wm. Wells Brown whose other works include “Sketches Of Places And People Abroad,” “The Black Man,” “The Negro In The Rebellion,” “Clotelle,” Etc.After availing himself of all the reliable information obtainable, the aut..

Valladolid, Oviedo, Segovia, Zamora, Avila & Zaragoza

Valladolid, Oviedo, Segovia, Zamora, Avila & Zaragoza

by Albert F. Calvert

The six cities of Spain which form the subject of the following pages are little known to English travellers. Yet no one who would understand the country can afford to pass them by. Not only are they compact of artistic and architectural treasures, but within their walls much of the history of the Spanish nation has been made. Oviedo—that little ci..

The New Astronomy

The New Astronomy

by S. P. Langley

The New Astronomy's author S. P. Langley's specifies in his introductory remark as I have written these pages, not for the professional reader, but with the hope of reaching a part of that educated public on whose support he is so often dependent for the means of extending the boundaries of knowledge.It is not generally understood that am..

Youth, Volume 1, Number 5, July 1902

Youth, Volume 1, Number 5, July 1902

by H. L. Coggins

Youth, Volume 1, Number 5, July 1902An Illustrated Monthly Journal for Boys & Girls.Uncle Hayward and his family were New England people, who had settled in Georgia near the Ocmulgee River, where I was now paying them a really delightful visit. Harold and myself, being very fond of hunting, spent much time together in pursuit of the various kin..

A Tale of Two Monkeys, and other stories

A Tale of Two Monkeys, and other stories

by Anonymous

A Tale of Two Monkeys, and other stories is a collection of poems &  stories for children written by unknown author. The collection include the below:A TALE OF TWO MONKEYSTHE OLDEST CHRISTMAS STORYTHE ELEPHANT’S TOOTHACHEWHERE ARE THE SWALLOWS?A CURIOUS KIND OF BEARROVER IN CHURCHA BRAVE LITTLE GIRL..

By Scarlet Torch and Blade

By Scarlet Torch and Blade

by Anthony Euwer

A number of the rhymes in the present volume have previously appeared in the Associated Press, Judge, Leslie’s, the Oregon Sunday Journal, and The Open Road. For permission to reprint the drawings the author is indebted to the publishers of Scribner’s Magazine...

Intelligence in Plants and Animals

Intelligence in Plants and Animals

by Thomas G. Gentry

Nothing is more charming to the mind of man than the study of Nature. Religion, moderation and magnanimity have been made a part of his inner being through her teachings, and the soul has been rescued by her influence from obscurity. No longer doth man grovel in the dust, seeking, animal-like, the gratification of low and base desires, as was his w..

Plague and pestilence in literature and art

Plague and pestilence in literature and art

by Raymond Crawfurd

This volume represents substantially the FitzPatrick Lectures which I had the privilege of delivering at the Royal College of Physicians in 1912. Originally I intended to do no more than gather together into a succinct record the various memorials and reminders of Pestilence that I had met with in my wanderings at home and abroad and in my casual i..