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Darwinism. The Noachian Flood

Darwinism. The Noachian Flood

by Thomas R. R. Stebbing

Darwinism. The Noachian Flood: A lecture delivered before the Torquay Natural History Society, Jan. 31st, 1870.Darwinism implies almost throughout that no universal Deluge has drowned our globe, either within the last ten thousand years, or even within a period indefinitely longer.  Let us speak with due respect of the contrary belief.  I..

Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress

Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress

by Henry S. Salt

As a memorial of work done on behalf of the rights of animals, it has been thought fitting, by members and friends of the late Humanitarian League, that a new edition of this little book should be published in the year that brings the centenary of “Martin’s Act,” the first legislation for the prevention of cruelty to the non-human races.Of the prog..

The Palace of Glass and the Gathering of the People

The Palace of Glass and the Gathering of the People

by John Stoughton

Five centuries ago there might have been seen in the streets of old London, one of those gifted mortals who are now and then sent into the world by the Father of spirits, to stamp their name upon the age in which they live, and to enshrine its memory amidst the splendours of their own genius.  With a deep and luminous insight into the scenes o..

Preliminary Report on Gowganda Mining Division District of Nipissing Ontario

Preliminary Report on Gowganda Mining Division District of Nipissing Ontario

by W. H. Collins

The portion of the Montreal River region with which the present report deals lies in the extreme western part of the District of Nipissing, in the neighbourhood of N. Lat. 47·45, and about 85 miles north of the town of Sudbury. It includes an area of 350 square miles, most of which lies between the two large branches of the Montreal river, which em..

Wild Pastures

Wild Pastures

by Winthrop Packard

The most beautiful place which can be found on earth of a June morning is a New England pasture, and fortunate are we New Englanders who love the open in the fact that, whatever town or city may be our home, the old-time pastures lie still at our very doors.The way to the one that I know best lies through the yard of an old, old house, a yard that ..

History of Birds

History of Birds

by Anonymous

The Ostrich leaves its eggs in the desert, and if it goes far away, it cannot find them again. In the Bible, cruel and forgetful people are compared to the Ostrich. It is a large bird, and runs very swiftly when pursued, and if it finds a bush it hides its head, and thinks that because it does not see its pursuers, they cannot see it. The Ostrich m..

Essays of a Biologist

Essays of a Biologist

by Julian Huxley

The biologist cannot fail to be impressed by the fact that his science to-day is, roughly and broadly speaking, in the position which Chemistry and Physics occupied a century ago. It is beginning to reach down from observation to experimental analysis, and from experimental analysis to grasp of principle. Furthermore, as the grasp of principles in ..

How Old Is It? The Story of Dating in Archeaology

How Old Is It? The Story of Dating in Archeaology

by James Schoenwetter

There is a whole field of science devoted to the invention and development of dating methods—or “clocks” as we may think of them. It is called geochronology, the science of dating events. There are relatively few geochronologists, scientists trained in the use of all kinds of dating methods and in the theories upon which these methods are based.Geo..