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The Forest Giant

The Forest Giant

by Adrien Le Corbeau

For years on end it had been rolling, across the plains, through the deep meadow grasses, under the dim echoing archways of the forest. Always, in heat and cold, beneath blue skies, or skies clouded with rain and hail and snow, it had been rolling ceaselessly. One day it would be gilded by the sunlight—but not softened; another day grizzled streaks..

The Conchologist's First Book

The Conchologist's First Book

by Edgar Allan Poe

The Conchologist's First BookA System of Testaceous Malacology, Arranged Expressly for the Use of Schools, in Which the Animals, According to Cuvier, Are Given With the Shells, a Great Number of New Species Added, and the Whole Brought Up, as Accurately as Possible, to the Present Condition of the Science...

Migration of Birds (1979)

Migration of Birds (1979)

by Frederick C. Lincoln

Frederick C. Lincoln's classic work on the "Migration of Birds" first appeared in 1935. It was revised in 1950 and has been out of print for several years, after selling over 140,000 copies. Unfilled requests by many individuals, clubs, and institutions prompted the Office of Conservation Education (now the Office of Public Affairs) in the U.S. Fis..

The Migration of North American Birds (1935)

The Migration of North American Birds (1935)

by Frederick C. Lincoln

Where do the birds go each fall that have nested in our dooryards and frequented the neighboring woods, hills, and marshes? Will the same ones return again to their former haunts next spring? What dangers do they face on their round-trip flight and in their winter homes? These and other questions on the migratory habits of birds puzzle the minds of..

Mozart's Youth

Mozart's Youth

by Franz Hoffmann

The life-story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart contained in this volume closes with his admission to membership in the Accademia Filarmonica at Bologna, Italy. Mozart was then in his fifteenth year. Up to that time his life had been a happy one, free from care, untouched by adversity, and crowned with continuous successes. He was admired by the people, ..

Little Joe Otter

Little Joe Otter

by Thornton W. Burgess

Of all the little Quaddies who live in the Green Meadows, the Smiling Pool and the Green Forest, none is more surprising than Little Joe Otter. He is full of surprises, is Little Joe. He has a way of suddenly bobbing up and just as suddenly disappearing, which makes him one of the hardest of all the little people to get acquainted with. Just when y..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 361, November 27, 1886

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 361, November 27, 1886

by Various Authors

She told me more than once that her husband was quite satisfied with me; the children thrived under my care, Reggie especially, for Joyce was somewhat frail and delicate. It gratified me to hear this, for a longer acquaintance with Mr. Morton had not lessened my sense of awe in his presence (I had had to feel the pressure of his strong will before ..

James Clerk Maxwell and Modern Physics

James Clerk Maxwell and Modern Physics

by Richard Glazebrook

The task of giving some account of Maxwell’s work—of describing the share that he has taken in the advance of Physical Science during the latter half of this nineteenth century—has proved no light labour. The problems which he attacked are of such magnitude and complexity, that the attempt to explain them and their importance, satisfactorily, witho..