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The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 362, December 4, 1886

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 362, December 4, 1886

by Various Authors

The bright spring days found me a close prisoner to the house. The end of April had been unusually chilly, and one cold rainy night Reggie was taken with an attack of croup. It was a very severe attack, and for an hour or two my alarm was excessive. Mrs. Morton was at a fancy ball, and Mr. Morton was attending a late debate, and, to add to my troub..

Our Little Tot’s Own Book

Our Little Tot’s Own Book

by Anonymous

One of my pet playhouses was an old stump, out in the pasture. Such a dear, old stump as it was, and so large I could not put my arms more than half way round it! Some of its roots were partly bare of earth for quite a little distance from the stump, and between these roots were great green velvety moss cushions.On the side, above the largest moss ..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 363, December 11, 1886

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 363, December 11, 1886

by Various Authors

My first article dealt chiefly with the long, sculptured frieze that ran continuously the whole length of the walls of the building (protected by the outer colonnade), and the ceremonials which that frieze represented. The present article will be devoted chiefly to the fragments of the external frieze, and to the figures of the eastern and western ..

Dante and the early astronomers

Dante and the early astronomers

by Mary Acworth Orr

Dante’s astronomy, therefore, is of wide and deep significance. To study its history is to learn a chapter in the development of the human intellect; to see the universe with his eyes is to know how it appeared, not only to his contemporaries but to men in many lands and many centuries. The system of Ptolemy was already a thousand years old when Da..

Birds of Song and Story

Birds of Song and Story

by Elizabeth Grinnell

Some barbarous peoples possess a rude taste for the beautiful plumage of birds, decorating their bodies in feathers of softest and brightest tints. But we have record of few, if any, savage tribes the world over which delight in bird melody. True, the savage may seek his food by sound, or even song, but to feast the ear on music for music's sake—ah..

Report on the Migration of Birds in the Spring and Autumn of 1880

Report on the Migration of Birds in the Spring and Autumn of 1880

by John Cordeaux

The following Report contains a Summary of the investigations of a Committee appointed by the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Swansea in 1880, an Abstract of which will be presented to the Association at its next Meeting. The Returns relating to Scotland have been arranged by Mr. Harvie-Brown; those for the East Coast of Engla..

More About Teddy B. and Teddy G., the Roosevelt Bears

More About Teddy B. and Teddy G., the Roosevelt Bears

by Seymour Eaton

This book is a sequel to “The Travels and Adventures of the Roosevelt Bears,” and completes the story of the tour of TEDDY-B and TEDDY-G from Colorado to Washington. The third volume will report in jingle and picture the tour of the Teddy Bears abroad.When in the autumn of 1905, I created the characters of TEDDY-B and TEDDY-G I builded better than ..

The Maid of Orleans

The Maid of Orleans

by Friedrich Henning

The life story of Joan of Arc, as told in this volume, closely follows the historical facts as well as the official records bearing upon her trial and burning for “heresy, relapse, apostasy, and idolatry.” It naturally divides into two parts. First, the simple pastoral life of the shepherd maiden of Domremy, which is charmingly portrayed; the visio..