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An Introduction to the Birds of Pennsylvania

An Introduction to the Birds of Pennsylvania

by George Miksch Sutton

This book is not intended to be a complete reference work. The descriptions of the birds and statements of their status are as brief as I felt I could make them under the circumstances. Many species of birds which have been recorded in Pennsylvania are not even mentioned. These are omitted so as to simplify the list for the beginner, who is confron..

Behind the Scenes in a Hotel

Behind the Scenes in a Hotel

by Anonymous

The modern hotel industry, claimed by the 35th Convention of the New York Hotel Association to be the fifth largest industry in the United States, is of comparatively recent growth. It is true that from the earliest times there have been inns and small hostels for the accommodation of the wayfarer. But this accommodation was the simple provision of..

An Almond for a Parrot -  Being a reply to Martin Mar-Prelate

An Almond for a Parrot - Being a reply to Martin Mar-Prelate

by John Petheram

Nash was of St. John’s College, Cambridge, and took his degree of B.A. in 1585. He is supposed to have quitted the university in some disgrace about 1586, but of the cause we are entirely ignorant. The anonymous author of a tract called “Polymanteia,” printed in 1595, thus alludes to it: “Cambridge, make thy two children friends; thou hast been unk..

Rudimentary Architecture for the Use of Beginners

Rudimentary Architecture for the Use of Beginners

by W. H. Leeds

The study of Architecture, it may be said, has of late years acquired an increased share of public attention; but it has been too exclusively confined to the Mediæval and Ecclesiastical styles, which have consequently been brought into repute and general favour,—a result which strongly confirms what has just been recommended, namely, the policy of ..

Philosophumena, Volume I

Philosophumena, Volume I

by Antipope Hippolytus

The story of the discovery of the book here translated so resembles a romance as to appear like a flower in the dry and dusty field of patristic lore. A short treatise called Philosophumena, or “Philosophizings,” had long been known, four early copies of it being in existence in the Papal and other libraries of Rome, Florence and Turin. The supersc..

Buried Cities and Bible Countries

Buried Cities and Bible Countries

by George St. Clair

This book contains a description of some of the most important modern discoveries bearing upon the Bible, the selection being made to meet the wants of those who have no time to follow the course of exploration, and no taste for technical details. The preparation of such a volume has often been urged upon me by those who have listened to my lecture..

Essentials of Music Theory -  Elementary

Essentials of Music Theory - Elementary

by Carl E. Gardner

The primary object in the following pages is to supply the teacher and student with a text book to accompany the work on instrumental or vocal technic. Because of the great amount of time required to obtain proficient technic, text books are often neglected, and, if exhaustive, are usually ignored. Brevity and conciseness characterize this volume a..

60 New Trimmed Gift Ideas

60 New Trimmed Gift Ideas

by Anonymous

GOLD FRINGE TREE To make:1. Starting at bottom of cone pin overlapping rows of fringe around cone completely covering it.2. Pin jewels to tree for ornaments.3. Glue row of gold braid around large rim of funnel.4. Insert tip of funnel into bottom of cone and glue to hold. This forms base for tree.5. Glue finial to top of tree for ornament...