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Doily Bouquet

Doily Bouquet

by American Thread Company

Here is the very newest, the very smartest scheme for delightful table settings. A set of doilies with identical centers in different gay flower borders that will add a decorator’s touch to your luncheon table. We have designed the above four doilies with just that idea in mind. All four designs fit either of the two basic centers...

Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America

Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America

by John Cassin

The natural history of North America has been regarded with especial interest wherever the sciences have been cultivated since the discovery of the continent. There never has been a period, however, in which such extensive and productive research has been carried on, as in that which commenced with the annexation of Texas to the United States, and ..

The Open Polar Sea

The Open Polar Sea

by I. I. Hayes

The design of this book may be briefly explained. I have attempted little more than a personal narrative, endeavoring to select from my abundant notes such scenes and incidents of adventure as seemed to me best calculated to bring before the mind of the reader, not merely the history of our voyage, but a general view of the Arctic regions,—its scen..

Mere Literature, and Other Essays

Mere Literature, and Other Essays

by Bryce Walton

A singular phrase this, “mere literature,”—the irreverent invention of a scientific age. Literature we know, but “mere” literature? We are not to read it as if it meant sheer literature, literature in the essence, stripped of all accidental or ephemeral elements, and left with nothing but its immortal charm and power. “Mere literature” is a serious..

Woodland Paths

Woodland Paths

by Winthrop Packard

The night was dark and bitter cold, though it was early March. Over in the dismal depths of Pigeon Swamp, where no pigeons have nested for nearly a half century though it is as wild and lone to-day as it was when they flocked there by thousands, a deep-toned, lonely cry resounded. It was like the fitful baying of a dog in the distance, only that it..

A Treatise on Mechanics

A Treatise on Mechanics

by Henry Kater

This Treatise on Mechanics, which was originally published in 1830, is the work of Dr. Lardner, with the exception of the twenty-first chapter, which was written by the late Captain Kater. The present edition has been revised and corrected by Dr. Lardner.Placed in the material world, Man is continually exposed to the action of an infinite variety o..

Free Opinions

Free Opinions

by Marie Corelli

Some of these social papers which are now collected together for the first time, have appeared before in various periodicals enjoying a simultaneous circulation in this country and the United States. Eleven of them were written for an American syndicate, which (for the purpose of copyright in Great Britain) sold them to a London weekly journal, whe..

Chester Water-Colours

Chester Water-Colours

by Edward Harrison Compton

LIST OF WATER-COLOURS BY E. HARRISON COMPTONThe Cathedral, from North-EastLectern in the RefectoryWatergate StreetWatergate Row, South SideStanley HouseThe CrossShrewsbury House (The “Bear and Billet”)The Falcon InnHalf-Timbered House in WhitefriarsThe Abbey GatewayThe Pepper GateChester Castle and Bridge, from South-WestThe Canal and Bridge of Sig..