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Ploughshare and Pruning-Hook -  Ten Lectures on Social Subjects

Ploughshare and Pruning-Hook - Ten Lectures on Social Subjects

by Laurence Housman

These papers, originally given as lectures, make no pretence to the solution of the social or political problems with which they are concerned. They indicate rather a certain standpoint or attitude of mind from which these and like questions may be viewed, one which may find acceptance with only a few of my readers. Even those who are friendly may ..

Afghan Book No. 289 -  Afghans

Afghan Book No. 289 - Afghans

by Anonymous

Draw a loop of White through loop on hook and drop Scarlet. Working with White, insert hook under 3rd vertical bar and draw loop through, * yarn over twice, insert hook under next vertical bar on 3rd row down, yarn over and draw loop through, (yarn over and draw through 2 loops) twice (tr loop made); skip the vertical bar directly behind the tr jus..

Wildwood Ways

Wildwood Ways

by Winthrop Packard

TO-DAY came with a flashing sun that looked through crystal-clear atmosphere into the eyes of a keen northwest wind that had dried up all of November’s fog and left no trace of moisture to hold its keenness and touch you with its chill. It was one of those days when the cart road from the north side to the south side of a pine wood leads you from e..

Young Engineer's Guide

Young Engineer's Guide

by J. V. Rohan

Some two years ago the author commenced collecting memoranda of mechanical and practical information pertaining to the care and operation of steam engines and boilers, with a view of forming a systematic digest.Being an employee of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. for a number of years my attention was called to the constant inquiry for a book ..

Home Canning of Fruits and Vegetables

Home Canning of Fruits and Vegetables

by Anonymous

Organisms that cause food spoilage—molds, yeasts, and bacteria—are always present in the air, water, and soil. Enzymes that may cause undesirable changes in flavor, color, and texture are present in raw fruits and vegetables.When you can fruits and vegetables you heat them hot enough and long enough to destroy spoilage organisms. This heating (or p..

The Story of Rome, From the Earliest Times to the Death of Augustus

The Story of Rome, From the Earliest Times to the Death of Augustus

by Mary Macgregor

The Story of Rome has been written, as you know, in your beautiful, quiet old garden. And as the story grew, the short cold days of winter passed and the long warm days of summer were here. In the garden a miracle had been wrought. It had become alive.  After slow, persistent struggle with storm and frost, the delicate bare branches were no lo..

The Life and Works of Joseph Wright

The Life and Works of Joseph Wright

by William Bemrose

The name of Joseph Wright, of Derby, once of high repute among English Artists, has, during the last half-century and more, sunk, altogether undeservedly, into a state of semi-oblivion. The Exhibition at Derby in 1883 did, indeed, something to restore its fame, and it is to be hoped that the present work may do yet more. Both book and exhibition ow..

Mrs. Siddons

Mrs. Siddons

by Nina H. Kennard

In spite of Mrs. Siddons’s professed shrinking from the celebrity that biographers would confer upon her, and her preference for the “still small voice of tender relatives and estimable friends,” we know that she bequeathed her Memoranda, Letters, and Diary to the poet Campbell—an intimate friend during her latter years—with a request that he would..