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Inside Illinois -  Mineral Resources

Inside Illinois - Mineral Resources

by Anonymous

Although Illinois has been nicknamed the “Prairie State,” many parts of it are hilly and scenic. The idea of large areas of the state being nothing more than broad, flat prairies has come about because the major highways have been built to take advantage of the comparatively low, gently rolling landscape rather than the rougher more scenic areas.Ph..

Over 250 Ways to Cook and Serve Fish and Other Productions of the Sea

Over 250 Ways to Cook and Serve Fish and Other Productions of the Sea

by Anonymous

Cook books there are of all sorts and shapes, but strange to say the subject of Fish Cookery has been sadly neglected in all of them, and to supply this deficiency, the following collection of receipts has been carefully gathered and properly arranged for the convenience of the housewife, no time or expense having been spared to make the volume a t..

A Monograph of the Trilobites of North America

A Monograph of the Trilobites of North America

by Jacob Green

Some geologists imagine that the order of creation is registered in the rocks which compose the external crust of the earth, and that they can there clearly read a progressive development of organic life; in other words, that a succession of more perfect animals may be traced in ascending from the lower strata to the upper or more recent formations..

A Treatise on Bread, and Bread-making

A Treatise on Bread, and Bread-making

by Sylvester Graham

There are probably few people in civilized life, who—were the question put to them directly—would not say, that they consider bread one of the most, if not the most important article of diet which enters into the food of man. And yet there is, in reality, almost a total and universal carelessness about the character of bread. Thousands in civic lif..

That Marvel—The Movie

That Marvel—The Movie

by Edward S. Van Zile

To grasp the past progress, the present significance and the future possibilities of the motion picture; to express them with restraint and yet with clarity; and to impress the mind of any reader with the logic, as well as with the sincerity, of his viewpoint: these are a few of the qualities in this book which make it interesting and important. Mr..

A guide book of art, architecture, and historic interests in Pennsylvania

A guide book of art, architecture, and historic interests in Pennsylvania

by A. Margaretta Archambault

This Guide Book of Art, Architecture, and Historic Interests in Pennsylvania, commenced by advice of Mrs. Edward Biddle of Carlisle, and fostered by Mrs. Samuel Semple of Titusville, during their presidency of the “State Federation of Pennsylvania Women,” for the use of tourists, is arranged chronologically, beginning with the counties first formed..

Our Nuclear Future

Our Nuclear Future

by Edward Teller

This book has been written for the layman who has no knowledge about atoms, bombs and radioactivity. He knows that the world is made of atoms, that bombs might destroy it and that radioactivity could make it a place much less agreeable to live in. We should like to give some advice about the use of the book: Each chapter can be read by itself...

Style and the Man

Style and the Man

by Meredith Nicholson

Great writers have rarely written of style, perhaps because it is so individual, so intimate a matter; and the trick of the thing may not, except in rare cases be communicated to the tyro. The convenient methods of absent treatment advertised by correspondence schools of authorship are of no avail in the business of style; style can no more be taug..