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Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds

Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds

by Bernard de Fontenelle

Whenever I have entered into conversation with any sensible woman on astronomy, I have always found that she had read Fontenelle's Plurality of Worlds; and that his book had excited her curiosity on the subject. As it has been so much read already, it must continue to engage attention: I therefore thought it would be useful to point out its faults;..

The Ivory King

The Ivory King

by Charles Frederick Holder

The elephant is the true king of beasts, the largest and most powerful of existing land animals, and to young and old a never ceasing source of wonder and interest. In former geological ages, it roamed the continental areas of every zone; was found in nearly every section of North America, from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, ..

Early Carriages and Roads

Early Carriages and Roads

by Sir Walter Gilbey

The use of carriages, coaches and wheeled conveyances have had an intimate relationship with the social life of English people from an early period in history. Many instructive books have appeared on the subject of carriages generally, but these have been for the most part written by experts in the art of coach and carriage building. In this public..

Short Story-Writing -  An Art or a Trade?

Short Story-Writing - An Art or a Trade?

by N. Bryllion Fagin

Moods may be uncomfortable, and sad, and painfully disturbing, but, on the other hand, they make pleasant music occasionally. Here I sit in the dusk, looking out into the street that is ordinarily so familiar to me, but has suddenly become blurred and weirdly mysterious in the gathering murk. A veil is over my eyes, which see the familiar houses ac..

The World of Flying Saucers

The World of Flying Saucers

by Donald H. Menzel

Both as scientists and as devotees of science fiction, we have long been interested in space travel. When reports of unidentified flying objects began to increase in the years between 1947 and 1952, one of us (D.H.M.) collected and studied the limited information available about the sightings. He soon concluded (with a slight feeling of disappointm..

The Life of the Grasshopper

The Life of the Grasshopper

by Jean-Henri Fabre

Fame is built up mainly of legend; in the animal world, as in the world of men, the story takes precedence of history. Insects in particular, whether they attract our attention in this way or in that, have their fair share in a folk-lore which pays but little regard to truth.For instance, who does not know the Cicada, at least by name? Where, in th..

Ancient history from the monuments -  Greek cities & islands of Asia Minor

Ancient history from the monuments - Greek cities & islands of Asia Minor

by W. S. W. Vaux

Before we proceed to give a somewhat detailed account of the more important cities of Asia Minor, and of the islands adjacent to its west and southern shores, we may mention that Asia Minor, as it lies on the map, exhibits, in its contour, a remarkable resemblance to Spain. Extending between N. Lat. 36° and 42°, and E. Long. 26° and 40°, it is abou..

Butterflies and Moths, Shown to the Children

Butterflies and Moths, Shown to the Children

by Theodore Wood

In this little book I want to tell you something about the common butterflies and moths which you may find in almost all parts of the country. But, first of all, I think that perhaps I had better say something about what we generally call their “life-history.”Of course you know that butterflies and moths are not butterflies and moths to begin with...