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The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 374, February 26, 1887

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 374, February 26, 1887

by Various Authors

There is no doubt that in this country the present generation is far more luxurious than the one that preceded it. Living is to a great extent a question of habit. At the present moment a Russian soldier is paid at the rate of a shilling a month, and his only ration is rye-bread baked into biscuit, washed down with a draught of water. The British w..

The Butterflies and Moths of Teneriffe

The Butterflies and Moths of Teneriffe

by A. E. Holt White

To a detailed description of the Lepidoptera of Teneriffe, so far as they are at present known, an introductory chapter has been added, for the benefit of novices in the study and collection of butterflies and moths. Those, for whom fresh air and a certain amount of exercise are essential, can hardly find any more health-giving or light interesting..

The Life of the Scorpion

The Life of the Scorpion

by Jean-Henri Fabre

he Scorpion is an uncommunicative creature, secret in his practices and disagreeable to deal with, so that his history, apart from anatomical detail, amounts to little or nothing. The scalpel of the experts has made us acquainted with his organic structure; but no observer, as far as I know, has thought of interviewing him, with any sort of persist..

The Sacred Beetle, and Others

The Sacred Beetle, and Others

by Jean-Henri Fabre

This is the first of the four volumes containing Fabre’s essays on Beetles, the order of insects to which, if we judge by his output, he devoted the longest study. It will be followed in due course by The Glow-worm and Other Beetles, The Life of the Weevil, and More Beetles. These three, however, will be issued, not in immediate succession, but tur..

Animal Life in Field and Garden

Animal Life in Field and Garden

by Jean-Henri Fabre

Herbivorous animals are those that live on grass, fodder, hay; and carnivorous animals are those that eat flesh. The horse, the donkey, the ox, and the sheep are herbivorous; the dog, the cat, and the wolf, carnivorous. The food of the herbivorous animal is tough, hard, fibrous, and must be ground for a long time by the teeth in order to be reduced..

The Life of the Caterpillar

The Life of the Caterpillar

by Jean-Henri Fabre

This caterpillar has already had his story told by Réaumur,1 but it was a story marked by gaps. These were inevitable in the conditions under which the great man worked, for he had to receive all his materials by barge from the distant Bordeaux Landes. The transplanted insect could not be expected to furnish its biographer with other than fragmenta..

Irritability -  A Physiological Analysis

Irritability - A Physiological Analysis

by Max Verworn

The lectures on irritability here published were held at the University of Yale in October, 1911. When the authorities of that University honored me by an invitation to give a course of Silliman memorial lectures, I accepted with the more pleasure as it furnished me with the opportunity of summarizing the results of numerous experimental researches..

Subject to Vanity

Subject to Vanity

by Margaret Benson

Why were cats created? I do not mean this as a sceptical question, doubtful of any end in their creation; no answer about adaptation and environment would be adequate, nor any statement of specific use. For with all the higher animals—that is to say, with all the animals one intimately knows—there is some beauty of intelligence, physique, or charac..