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The Strange Adventures of a Pebble

The Strange Adventures of a Pebble

by Hallam Hawksworth

The purpose of this little book is to present the chief features in the strange story of the pebbles; and so of the larger pebble we call the earth. It is hoped that readers of various ages will be entertained, without suspecting that they are being taught. Several things led the author to believe that such a book might be wanted.(a) The circumstan..

Comet Lore -  Halley's Comet in History and Astronomy

Comet Lore - Halley's Comet in History and Astronomy

by Edwin Emerson

Constantinople, the great capital of the Orient, which owes its name to this same Emperor Constantine, was lost to Christendom in the year 1453, when the Turks overran the great city with fire and sword. This event, it is recorded, was heralded by another appearance of a Comet. Three years later, when the Turks were about to descend upon Belgrade, ..

The Autobiography of Upton Sinclair

The Autobiography of Upton Sinclair

by Upton Sinclair

All through my seventy-one years of writing life—I started at thirteen—I have had from my readers suggestions that I should tell my own story. When I was halfway through those writing years I accepted the suggestion and wrote a book called American Outpost. The major part of that book, revised and brought up to date, is incorporated in this volume...

Captain Bill McDonald

Captain Bill McDonald

by Albert Bigelow Paine

Captain Bill McDonald is a name that in Texas and the districts lying adjacent thereto makes the pulse of a good citizen, and the feet of an outlaw, move quicker. Its owner is a man of fifty-six, drawn out long and lean like a buckskin thong, with the endurance and constitution of the same.In repose, Captain Bill is mild of manner; his speech is a ..

The Life of the Weevil

The Life of the Weevil

by J. Henri Fabre

I have gathered into this volume the essays on Weevils contained in the Souvenirs entomologiques, lest I should swell unduly the number of volumes devoted to Beetles, of which there will be three in all, or four if we include the present book.In winter, when the insect takes an enforced rest, the study of numismatics affords me some delightful mome..

The Mason-Wasps

The Mason-Wasps

by Jean-Henri Fabre

This is the second volume on Wasps in the Collected Edition of Fabre’s Souvenirs entomologiques. The first of these was The Hunting Wasps; and the present volume is somewhat wilfully entitled, for all Wasps hunt in varying degrees, if not on their own behalf, at least on that of their young. My object, however, was to bring together all the essays ..

Hilaire Belloc -  No Alienated Man

Hilaire Belloc - No Alienated Man

by Frederick Wilhelmsen

The ancient Arabs spoke of a creature having life in two worlds: his body was rooted in the earth, but his soul swept out across the horizons to a world beyond. Let us call him by his name: Man. This balance which is Man is a tension rarely maintained in the course of human existence. Let us call the one who situates his destiny in this world,..

From Immigrant to Inventor

From Immigrant to Inventor

by Michael Pupin

Looking back over the development of this volume throughout the year or more during which I have been writing it, it seems to me that I cannot better express the end I have had in view than to repeat here what I wrote at the beginning of Chapter XI:“The main object of my narrative was, and still is, to describe the rise of idealism in American scie..