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All the World Over: Interesting Stories of Travel, Thrilling Adventure and Home

All the World Over: Interesting Stories of Travel, Thrilling Adventure and Home

by Ella Farman

Perhaps one of the most vivid impressions which the tourist receives upon his entrance into any Spanish city whatsoever, is of its muscular beggars—men of enormous size, with their ruffianly swaggering strength exaggerated by the national cloak. This garment is of heavy, tufted woollens, long and fringed, almost indestructable, and is frequently wo..

Etiquette for Little Folks

Etiquette for Little Folks

by Mrs. Henry S. Mackarness

Children, these are the most essential of those rules of behavior, the observance of which will deliver you from the disgraceful titles of sordid and clownish, and entail upon you the honor of being called well-bred children; for there is scarcely a sadder sight, than a clownish and unmannerly child. Avoid, therefore, with the greatest diligence, s..

War, 52 Carey Cartoons

War, 52 Carey Cartoons

by Ray Smith

From time immemorial the human race has been interested in pictures of persons, scenes and things; and one of the most potent means of driving home ideas and lessons, and oftentimes of arousing human passions, is the cartoon. No longer venomous, the cartoon is regarded as a humorous or sarcastic comment on topics uppermost in the nation’s mind. It ..

The Growth of the English House

The Growth of the English House

by J. Alfred Gotch

The object aimed at in the following pages is to tell the story of the growth of the English house from its first appearance in a permanent form down to the time of our grandfathers, when it lost much of its interest. Although it is a history of domestic architecture, no deep architectural knowledge is required to understand it; technical terms are..

Texas Pecan Recipes

Texas Pecan Recipes

by Reagan V. Brown

There aren’t many Texans who don’t have a special liking for pecans grown in the state, usually enjoying them straight from the shell. But now, more and more people are incorporating pecans in many different types of recipes. In this booklet we have included recipes for salads, main dishes, desserts, candies, and cookies.We hope that you find new w..

Ten Essays on Zionism and Judaism

Ten Essays on Zionism and Judaism

by Ahad Ha'am

The present volume of translations from the Hebrew of Achad Ha-Am differs in character from the volume of Selected Essays published in 1912 by the Jewish Publication Society of America. The earlier selection was confined, by the express desire of the publishing Society, to essays dealing with the broader aspects of Judaism and Jewish thought; essay..

Metzerott, Shoemaker

Metzerott, Shoemaker

by Katharine Pearson Woods

Karl Metzerott, shoemaker, counted himself reasonably well-to-do in the world. It was a favorite saying of his (though he was not greatly given to sayings at any time, his days being so full of doings), that his Socialist opinions were not based upon his own peculiar needs; and that, when the Commune should supervene, as he fervently believed it mu..

The Boys' Book of Model Aeroplanes

The Boys' Book of Model Aeroplanes

by Francis A. Collins

N the boy’s calendar nowadays the aëroplane season comes in with sledding and runs all through skating, marble, top, kite-flying, and bicycle time. The delights of all the old games seem to be found in this marvelous new toy. The fun in throwing a top cannot compare with that of launching an aëroplane, while kite-flying is a very poor substitute fo..