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  • Kelly of the Foreign Legion

Kelly of the Foreign Legion

by Russell A. Kelly

Kelly of the Foreign Legion PDF edition and other Russell A. Kelly books available for free download from our library.


The first seven chapters of this book are letters received from Russell A. Kelly, age 21, volunteer in the Légion étrangère. The letters, many of which were published in the New York Evening Sun, were sent to his parents in New York and have been retained in exactly their original form except for the omission of strictly personal matters. The last communication from him was a military post card mailed June 15th, 1915. After the severe engagement around Souchez on June 16th in which the Second Regiment de Marche of the First Regiment of the Legion suffered severely, he was officially recorded by the French Minister of War as “missing,” with the added statement that his name would be carried on the list of missing until a search could be made in the internment camps of Germany.

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