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Lady Windermere's Fan

by Oscar Wilde

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Lady Windermere's Fan is a four act comedy play, written by Oscar Wilde, an Irish Playwright remembered as the most popular dramatist of London theaters.

Lady Windermere was in a dilemma to believe gossips and rumors about her husband’s fascinating relationship with Mrs. Erlynne. While checking her husband’s bank book she could understand that large sum of money has been transferred to Mrs. Erlynne. She started believing beyond doubt that her husband will betray the marriage.

In contrast to her wishes, Lord Windermere invites Mrs. Erlynne for Lady Windermere’s birthday party. Lord tries to convince his wife about the relationship and while trying to reveal a secret, Mrs. Erlynne enters the birthday party, eventually Lord Windermere putting of the secret. Annoyed and angered by her husband’s actions, Lady Windermere leaves him. Their marriage break is exploited by Lord Darlington, who expresses his love and persuades Lady Windermere to marry him.

Mrs. Erlynne, now having the job of compromising the couple, reveals the shocking secret, she is none other than the mother of Lady Windermere. Years back Mrs. Erlynne left her husband for a love, after the birth of her daughter. However her lover abandoned her in very short period and everybody including Lady Windermere was thinking her mother is dead. To enjoy a posh life Mrs. Erlynne was blackmailing Lord Windermere that, if he does not pay large sums of money, she will reveal her identity as the shameful mother of Lady Windermere. The play ends up in a positive note of Windermeres reconcile and live together.

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