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  • Life of Isaac Mason as a Slave

Life of Isaac Mason as a Slave

by Isaac Mason

Life of Isaac Mason as a Slave PDF edition and other Isaac Mason books available for free download from our library.


Life of Isaac Mason as a Slave is the personal memoir of Isaac Mason narrating his painful days as slave. Like many autobiographies on slavery, this memoir also heart touching and let us visualize the dark days of human life due to slavery. 


In Kent County, in the northern part of the State of Maryland, there was at the time of my earliest recollections (and I suppose it yet remains), a small town known as George Town Cross Oats, having a population of about 500 or 600. It was in this town, on the 14th day of May, 1822, A. D., that I inhaled my first supply of air, that my eyes, for the first time, were brought in contact with the beautiful light surrounding the terrestrial world, the earthly home of mankind, and the first sound of my infant voice was raised in shrill cries for a mother’s tender care and parental affection.

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