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  • Liszt  -  The Story of a Boy Who Became a Great Pianist and Teacher

Liszt - The Story of a Boy Who Became a Great Pianist and Teacher

by Thomas Tapper

Liszt - The Story of a Boy Who Became a Great Pianist and Teacher PDF edition and other Thomas Tapper books available for free download from our library.


Liszt: The Story of a Boy Who Became a Great Pianist and Teacher, is a part of the children’s biography series of Child’s own book of great musicians written by Thomas Tapper. 

This book is a tiny work of biography of the Hungarian musician Franz Liszt, who is considered as the most the technically advanced pianist by his contemporaries. Apart from being a composer, he was also a great teacher to musicians including Camille Saint-Saëns, Alexander Borodin, and Hector Berlioz. The invention of the symphonic poem is considered as his notable contribution.

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