PDF Books in Literary Collections
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The Poetics of Aristotle
by AristotleThe Poetics of Aristotle is an oldest surviving theory of Dramatization in literary works including drama (and its sub genres Comedy, Tragedy and Satire), Poetry (Lyric Poetry, Epic poetry and Dithyramb) written by Aristotle, who was a Greek Philosopher and a disciple of Socrates. This text explores genres of poetry in three ways such as M..
The Iliad
by HomerThe Iliad is an epic poem written by Homer, an ancient Greek Poet whose work influenced the shaping of Greek culture to great extent. Considered to be sequel to the author’s early work “The Odyssey”, The Iliad narrates final week incidents of the Trojan War, the early events like the cause of the war, gathering warriors for the siege has b..
Letters to His Son
by Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope ChesterfieldLetters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman comprises of over 400 letters written by Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, a British statesman known as Lord Stanhope. This letters were published by his daughter-in-law after the death of his son. These collections are mostly instructive letters brilliantly ..
The Essays of George Eliot
by Nathan SheppardThe Essays of George Eliot is a collection of popular essays of the Victorian novelist Mary Ann Evans, remembered by her pen name George Eliot. Eliot’s works were reflecting the realism and psychological insight of provincial England. Nathan Sheppardad, the author of books like Shut up in Paris, Before an audience, and The use of the will ..
On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
by Thomas CarlyleOn Heroes, Hero Worship, and the Heroic in History is a series of lectures later published in a book form by Thomas Carlyle, a Scottish Philosopher of Victorian era contributed to literary world with his famous works include Signs of the Times The Victorian Web, The French Revolution: A History, Chartism, Latter-Day Pamphlets and The Early kings of..
The Raven
by Edgar Allan PoeThe Raven is a narrative poem written by Edgar Allan Poe, an American Poet and early practitioner of short story who contributed with various forms of literary works such as poems, short stories, detective fiction and science fiction. His notable works include The Cask of Amontillado, The Imp of the Perverse, The System of Doctor Tarr and ..
The Metamorphoses of Ovid
by OvidThe Metamorphoses of Ovid is a poem in narrative style written by Publius Ovidius Naso, a Roman poet known to the English world as Ovid who has been compared the caliber of Virgil and Horace. Apart from his magnum opus The Metamorphoses, he has been attributed to many poetic works including The Heroines, The Loves, Women's Facial Cosmetics, The ..
The Rape of the Lock and Other Poems
by Alexander PopeThe Rape of the Lock is a narrative poem written by Alexander Pope, an English poet remembered for his satirical verse. Apart from translating Homer’s works, his notable writings include Pastorals, Windsor Forest and Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady. This poem is based on a real minor incident which is narrated in satirical verse. Beli..