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  • Little Mary's Saturday's walk

Little Mary's Saturday's walk

by Lady Maria Callcott

Little Mary's Saturday's walk PDF edition and other Lady Maria Callcott books available for free download from our library.


“Come, Mary!” said Mr. Lumley to his little girl, one Saturday afternoon, “put on your bonnet and your thick shoes.  I am going to Davies’s cottage, and there is a basket for you to carry, with some work for Jane, and some jelly for her grandmother.  The lane is pretty clean, and the stepping-stones, even the rickety one, quite out of water.”

Before the last comfortable assurance could be heard, Mary was ready for the walk. Papa at leisure on a fine Saturday afternoon to help her to enjoy her holiday would have been enough; but to go to old Molly Davies, and to see her favourite Sunday-scholar Jane, was pleasure indeed.

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