Written by Lizzie E. Cotton
Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1880)
by Lizzie E. CottonThe hive and system of bee management recommended in these pages is entirely original with me, and is not patented. I invented the hive and plan of management for my own use, as I am engaged in raising honey for market, and wish every swarm of bees I keep to produce the greatest possible amount of surplus honey, and in the most convenient and attra..
Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1891)
by Lizzie E. CottonIn presenting this work I have no apology to make. After an experience with bees dating almost from childhood, and a careful study of all works published on the subject of bees, and the journals devoted to that particular branch of rural affairs, I find theory, guess-work, prejudice and selfish motives are so prevalent, as to confuse and discourage..