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by Virginia Baker

MASSASOIT'S TOWN PDF edition and other Virginia Baker books available for free download from our library.


A peculiar interest centres about everything pertaining to the great Wampanoag sachem Massasoit. Massasoit has always, and justly, been regarded as one of the most remarkable of that group of illustrious aboriginal chieftains with whom the early white settlers of New England were associated. But while the student of history is familiar with the story of the Indian king’s life-long allegiance to our forefathers, while he admires in the untutored savage virtues few Christian monarchs have possessed, he knows comparatively little of the environments that helped to mould a character of so unique a stamp. The ancient chroniclers often allude to Massasoit’s place of residence, and the questions that naturally present themselves are: Where was this place? Why did Massasoit select it for his abode? What is its history? To answer these questions, in part at least, is the object of this sketch.

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