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  • Magic Shadows -  The Story of the Origin of Motion Pictures

Magic Shadows - The Story of the Origin of Motion Pictures

by Martin Quigley

Magic Shadows - The Story of the Origin of Motion Pictures PDF edition and other Martin Quigley books available for free download from our library.


The art of magic shadows, which just before the dawn of the twentieth century evolved into the modern motion picture, was born three centuries ago, at Rome. There Athanasius Kircher, a German priest, first showed his invention, the magic lantern, to friends, and enemies, at the Collegio Romano, where he was a professor of mathematics.

The world premiere of the first real “magic shadow” performance passed without public notice. In those days there were no press agents or publicists. There were no newspapers. The people did not care what the nobles and scholars were doing in their idle moments; the intellectuals paid little attention to the people.

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