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  • Making Life Worth While

Making Life Worth While

by Douglas Fairbanks

Making Life Worth While PDF edition and other Douglas Fairbanks books available for free download from our library.


Making Life Worth While is a book about everything in general and nothing in particular as the author says in his preface. Written by Douglas Fairbanks, the King of Hollywood remembered for his film castings of outlaws such as  The Thief of Bagdad, Robin Hood, The Private Life of Don Juan, and The Mark of Zorro.   Interestingly he started his career as comedian and later turned out to be a super hero. 

Preface by the author:

In Laugh and Live, my sole purpose was to emphasize our first duty toward ourselves, which consists of doing our level best at everything we undertake, and making the best of every situation that arises to confront us. 

All through my early life I read inspirational books and liked them best of all. They seemed to beckon me on. I could feel myself being pulled along by an unseen hand. Let there be no mistake about Making Life Worth While. It has no particular plan or sequence whereby to back up its title. 

Nearly everything has to do with such a subject and that is what the book contains—everything in general—and nothing in particular—just such things as came to mind that seemed worth while. As a follow up to Laugh and Live here’s hoping that it will fill the bill.

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