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  • Maru -  A Dream of the Sea

Maru - A Dream of the Sea

by H. De Vere Stacpoole

Maru - A Dream of the Sea PDF edition and other H. De Vere Stacpoole books available for free download from our library.


Maru: A Dream of the Sea by H. De Vere Stacpoole. The night was filled with vanilla and frangipanni odours and the endless sound of the rollers on the reef. Somewhere away back amidst the trees a woman was singing, the tide was out, and from the verandah of Lygon’s house, across the star-shot waters of the lagoon, moving yellow points of light caught the eye. They were spearing fish by torchlight in the reef pools.

It had been a shell lagoon once, and in the old days men had come to Tokahoe for sandal wood; now there was only copra to be had, and just enough for one man to deal with. Tokahoe is only a little island where one cannot make a fortune, but where you may live fortunately enough if your tastes are simple and beyond the lure of whisky and civilisation.

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