PDF Books in Medical Personalities Biography
Florence Nightingale the Angel of the Crimea
by Laura E. RichardsFlorence Nightingale the Angel of the Crimea is a biography of the founder of modern nursing written by Laura E. Richards. Popularly called the lady with the lamb, Florence came to fame during her serving at Crimean war. Though there are thoughts that her achievement at Crimean war was exaggerated as the country needed a hero to project. However..
A Woman's Quest
by Marie E. ZakrzewskaViewed impersonally, this story of Marie E. Zakrzewska (Zak-shef’ska) is one more document testifying to the Humanity of Woman. The fact that the individual urge for the expression of this humanity found vent along the line of Medicine, is a detail. It is also a detail that the story is interwoven with an interesting transitional period in American..