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Pneumonia - Its Care and Prevention
by AnonymousPneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. Despite all the progress recently made in the treatment of the disease, it remains among the most common causes of death. Pneumonia is always a serious matter, and should be regarded as an emergency calling for immediate medical care.The inflammation of the lungs may be due to one of a number of different ..
Treatment of Cholera in the Royal Hospital, Haslar
by John WilsonOn admission the patient was immediately placed in a hot bath, from 104° to 112° of Fahrenheit, in relation to the reduction of circulatory power, and of superficial heat; diligent friction of the abdomen and extremities, according to the place and violence of the spasms, being at the same time practiced. The measure seldom failed, except in ..
Cottage scenes during the cholera
by William Isaac CoppardA larger congregation than usual assembled at the Church, both parts of the day; and, although our services are generally observed with strict propriety, upon this occasion, a death-like stillness, and a marked solemnity of deportment prevailed. About double the usual number also availed themselves of the opportunity of receiving the Holy Com..
Massage & Exercises Combined
by Albrecht JensenIn this volume I have endeavored to place before the public a novel method of real scientific massage movements combined with exercises, so that the benefits of both may be obtained simultaneously. The simplicity of its technic together with its ready personal application make it possible for any individual to achieve excellent results from its use..
History of Iridotomy
by S. Lewis ZieglerTo Cheselden has been conceded the honor of being the father and originator of iridotomy. Nearly two centuries have elapsed since he first published the report of his procedure in the Philosophical Transactions for 1728. Ever since that time, his signal success has been acknowledged by all except those who either failed to equal his dexterity, or w..
A History of Epidemic Pestilences
by Edward BascomeFeeling it to be incumbent on every one to contribute to the good of his fellow-men, in as far as his experience enables him—“Non sibi sed toti mundo se credere natum;”and presuming on the practical knowledge gained during a sojourn of a quarter of a century in climes that are not the most hospitable, the Author has been induced to offer to the pub..
Chronicles of Pharmacy, Vol. 2 (of 2)
by A. C. WoottonA female pharmacist is mentioned in Salmon’s “Bate’s Dispensatory” (1694), who, he says, made a fortune of £20,000 by selling a tincture made from cow-dung. Her formula was, cow-dung, fresh gathered in the morning, 12 lbs.; spring or rain water, 30 lb. Digest for twenty-four hours, let it settle, and decant the clear brown tincture. Salmon says it ..
A Treatise on the Plague and Yellow Fever
by James TytlerAmong the many diseases which afflict the human race, we find one, upon record, so irresistible in its progress, so fatal in its attacks, and so entirely beyond the powers of medicine; that, like the serpent Python, the Leviathan, or the Mammoth, among animals, it has generally been distinguished by names expressive of its destroying nature; not, l..