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  • Metamorphosis


by Franz Kafka

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Metamorphosis written by Franz Kafka is a fiction story based on the theme of Metamorphosis, a biological process and relatively abrupt change happens in the insects and animals while the hatch or become adults.

Gregor Samsa a traveling salesman is living with his parents and Sister Grete Samsa in an apartment. The family leads reasonably comfortable life with the income from Gregor employment. Gregor Samsa one day wakes up and realizes that he becomes a monster insect and his voice has changed. His manager coming to his home and threatening him to come with him else he will lose his job. On opening the door of his room, everybody shocked by looking at his appearance and his mother faints down.

The appearance and ability of Gregor Samsa changes phenomenally and he started eating leafs and crawls through the walls. As the day passes, the family goes through financial crisis and discusses themselves to get rid of Gregor to survive. Listening their discussions, Gregor decides to save his family and dies as an insect.

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