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  • Milestones in the Mighty Age of Steam -  The Grasshopper and the Corliss

Milestones in the Mighty Age of Steam - The Grasshopper and the Corliss

by Anonymous

Milestones in the Mighty Age of Steam - The Grasshopper and the Corliss PDF edition and other Anonymous books available for free download from our library.


When James Watt gave the world the condensing steam engine in 1788 he ushered in an era in man’s progress which brought with it the Industrial Revolution and fundamental changes in our way of life. Steam has made possible the development of our vast industries, our modern transportation on land and on sea, and an immeasurable expansion of the horizons of our daily life.

Two of the most far-reaching uses of the principle of production of power through steam have been in transportation and in the generation of electricity. In both instances the first steps toward the ultimate achievement were crude and none too convincing, but they did lead to further development and outstanding accomplishment.

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