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  • Mirabilia descripta -  The wonders of the East

Mirabilia descripta - The wonders of the East

by Friar Jordanus

Mirabilia descripta - The wonders of the East PDF edition and other Friar Jordanus books available for free download from our library.


The book itself does not add anything to our knowledge; but the observations of a traveller who resided in India so far back as the beginning of the fourteenth century must be very dull indeed if sufficient interest cannot be derived from their date to make them acceptable. Nor do I think our author is dull, whilst I regret that he is so brief, and has omitted so much that he might really have laid up as an addition to our knowledge. The very fact that there were Roman Catholic missionaries and a bishop in India at that period, just between the days of Marco Polo and those of Ibn Batuta, may indeed be excavated from old ecclesiastical chronicles; but it is[iv] certainly unfamiliar to the knowledge of those who do not dig in such mines.

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