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  • Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion -  A Study in Survivals

Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion - A Study in Survivals

by John Cuthbert Lawson

Modern Greek Folklore and Ancient Greek Religion - A Study in Survivals PDF edition and other John Cuthbert Lawson books available for free download from our library.


This book is the outcome of work undertaken in Greece during my two years’ tenure of the Craven Studentship from 1898 to 1900. It is therefore my first duty gratefully to commemorate John, Lord Craven, to whose benefactions of two and a half centuries ago I owed my opportunity for research.

The scheme of work originally proposed was the investigation of the customs and superstitions of modern Greece in their possible bearing upon the life and thought of ancient Greece; and to the Managers of the Craven Fund at that time, with whom was associated Mr R. A. Neil of Pembroke College to whose memory I have dedicated this book, I render hearty thanks for their willingness to encourage a venture new in direction, vague in scope, and possibly void of result.

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