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  • More About Teddy B. and Teddy G., the Roosevelt Bears

More About Teddy B. and Teddy G., the Roosevelt Bears

by Seymour Eaton

More About Teddy B. and Teddy G., the Roosevelt Bears PDF edition and other Seymour Eaton books available for free download from our library.


This book is a sequel to “The Travels and Adventures of the Roosevelt Bears,” and completes the story of the tour of TEDDY-B and TEDDY-G from Colorado to Washington. The third volume will report in jingle and picture the tour of the Teddy Bears abroad.

When in the autumn of 1905, I created the characters of TEDDY-B and TEDDY-G I builded better than I knew. I brought these bears out of their mountain den in Colorado and started them on their tour of the East to teach children that animals, even bears, may have some measure of human feeling; that the primary purpose of animals is not necessarily that of supplying sport for the hunter.

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