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Motor Matt's Submarine

by Stanley R. Matthews

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Motor Matt's Submarine or The strange cruise of the Grampus  is a thrilling adventure fiction and part of motor series fiction written by Stanley R. Matthews whose popular novel is Motor Matt. There are about seven important fictitious characters in the novel are Motor Matt, Dick Ferral, Carl Pretzel, Captain Nemo, Jr., otherwise Archibald Townsend, Cassidy, Captain Jim Sixty, and Ysabel Sixty.

"I tell you somet'ing," said Carl Pretzel gloomily, "I don'd like hanging aroundt mitoudt any pitzness. Id geds on my nerfs, yah, so helup me. For six tays, now, ve haf peen loafing in New Orleans, und eferyt'ing vas so keviet as some Quaker meedings. Nodding habbens. Vy don'd ve hear from Downsent mit a hurry-oop call to ged busy, eh?"

It was nine o'clock in the evening of the day preceding that on which the Grampus had got away in the wake of the Santa Maria, and Motor Matt, Dick and Carl were lounging in the small office of the Snug Harbor.

For two or three days Carl had been restless. He had visited all the five-cent shows on Canal Street, he had made a sight-seeing tour through the French Quarter, he had gone out to Lake Pontchartrain, and he had done various other things to pass away the time and make some excuse for his idleness, but his energetic spirit was not to be muzzled.

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