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  • Mr. Punch In Society

Mr. Punch In Society

by J. A. Hammerton

Mr. Punch In Society PDF edition and other J. A. Hammerton books available for free download from our library.


Mr. Punch In Society is a collection of humor works written by various authors which are collected and edited by J. A. Hammerton whose other works include "Mr. Punch's Book of Love : Being the Humors of Courtship and Matrimony", "MR. PUNCH AT HOME: The Punch Library of Humor", and "Wonders of the Past". 


It would be difficult to think of Mr. Punch’s prototype of the immortal drama as “in Society”; but, however much our national jester may resemble in facial detail the somewhat rude and impulsive character from whom he took his name, he is in all his instincts a gentleman. In other words, it is just here that Punch has differed from most comic journals, being, if not absolutely from the first number, certainly from its early days, distinguished for refinement of taste and good manners, not less than for its wit and humor. “Mr. Punch in Society” is indeed Mr. Punch in his most congenial surroundings, as he has been above all else the untiring, irrepressible satirist of the social world.

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