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  • Mrs. Siddons

Mrs. Siddons

by Nina H. Kennard

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In spite of Mrs. Siddons’s professed shrinking from the celebrity that biographers would confer upon her, and her preference for the “still small voice of tender relatives and estimable friends,” we know that she bequeathed her Memoranda, Letters, and Diary to the poet Campbell—an intimate friend during her latter years—with a request that he would prepare them for publication.

How, with the ample material at his command, Campbell wrote so bad a life, it is difficult to conceive. He seemed conscious himself that he was not doing justice to his subject. The task of finishing it weighed on him like a nightmare. To secure himself from interruption he would fix a placard on the door of his chambers announcing that “Mr. Campbell was engaged with the biography of Mrs. Siddons, and was not to be disturbed.”

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