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  • Mrs. Warren's Profession

Mrs. Warren's Profession

by Bernard Shaw

Mrs. Warren's Profession PDF edition and other Bernard Shaw books available for free download from our library.

Copyright: Original manuscript of this work is available in legitimate public domain repositories & exempted from aquiring a license from original author for publishing & distributing as eBook.


Mrs. Warren's Profession is a play, which explores hypocrisies of the Victorian society, has been written by the Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw. Vivie Warren, a Cambridge university graduate was grownup without knowing her mother Mrs. Kitty Warren’s lifestyle and her past. Vivie has fallen in love with Frank Gardner, though her mother wants her to get married to a handsome architect Mr. Praed. The play reaches its climax, when the shocking truth is revealed that she is half-sibling of Frank Gardner. Though Kitty could convince her daughter on why she was forced to choose her immoral life style, Vivie disowns her for continuing her past life style, though there is no need for it now.

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