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  • Munchausen XX

Munchausen XX

by W. G. Worfel

Munchausen XX PDF edition and other W. G. Worfel books available for free download from our library.


When I was about five years of age, I was summoned, one morning, to the bedside of my father, where I learned that he was at the point of death from an accident. I was one of fourteen children—the fourteenth; seven boys and seven girls, the girls and boys alternating until I was reached.

8I was very much surprised, upon entering the room in which he lay, to observe all the other members of the family leave, and close the door. This, I afterward learned, was by my father’s special direction. While I had been favored by him in many things, it had seemed to me I was the recipient of more chastisement than any of my brothers; and, yet, I must say I was indulged much beyond my deserts.

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