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  • My Arctic journal -  a year among ice-fields and Eskimos

My Arctic journal - a year among ice-fields and Eskimos

by Josephine Diebitsch Peary

My Arctic journal - a year among ice-fields and Eskimos PDF edition and other Josephine Diebitsch Peary books available for free download from our library.


This plain and simple narrative of a year spent by a refined woman in the realm of the dreaded Frost King has been written only after persistent and urgent pressure from friends, by one who shrank from publicity, and who reluctantly yielded to the idea that her experiences might be of interest to others besides her immediate friends.

I have been requested to write a few words of introduction; and while there may be some to whom it might occur that I was too much interested to perform this task properly, it must nevertheless be admitted that there is probably no one better fitted than myself to do it. Little, indeed, need be said.

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