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PDF Books in Children's Mysteries & Detective Stories

The Mystery of the Deserted Village

The Mystery of the Deserted Village

by Elbert M. Hoppenstedt

Ronnie was in the hayloft sliding down the piles of newly-stacked hay when he heard the car drive up into the yard and come to a stop. Spitting a mouthful of hayseeds from his lips and tongue, he ran over to the open doors and peered down into the yard.The car was shiny and new, a big black sedan with white-walled tires. A man in a business suit ca..

Pink Ears

Pink Ears

by Murray Leinster

James Craig, from his air of well-being, had enjoyed it to the full. An hour before, he had arisen from his table with that sensation of internal comfort that can come only from a well-ordered and well-cooked meal. He had chosen a cigar with discrimination, and lighted it with care. He had spent possibly twenty minutes or more in the smoking-room, ..

Straight to the Goal

Straight to the Goal

by Nicholas Carter

Jefferson Arnold, the millionaire shipowner of New York and Calcutta; Jai Singh, the high-caste Hindu, who had proved himself so valuable an ally to Nick Carter, and Adil, also an East Indian, the body servant of Jefferson Arnold’s son, Leslie, all were sitting there. The men started up when the spear came sailing over the rocks and buried its heav..

The Secret of Shangore

The Secret of Shangore

by Nicholas Carter

The speaker was Jefferson Arnold, the multimillionaire shipowner and importer of Oriental goods, whose establishment was one of the best known of its kind in New York City. His firm jaw came together with a snap, and his dark eyes sparkled with determination in the red light of the camp fire, as he looked at the world-renowned detective for approva..

A Point of Testimony

A Point of Testimony

by Carolyn Wells

Bert Bayliss was the funniest detective you ever saw. He wasn’t the least like Vidocq, Lecoq or Sherlock, either in personality or mentality. And perhaps the chief difference lay in the fact that he possessed a sense of humor, and that not merely an appreciative sense, either. He had an original wit and a spontaneous repartee that made it well-nigh..

Salted For a Million

Salted For a Million

by Nicholas Carter

The great detective had been out West on a puzzling case in which he had to run to earth a combination of Montana swindlers. Nick and his chief assistant had done splendid work, but there were still two members of the swindling gang to be accounted for. Well, the truth is I have just come from an interview with a man who is trying to get back his s..

The Four-Fingered Glove

The Four-Fingered Glove

by Nicholas Carter

The hands of the clock pointed at half-past five, one beautiful June morning, when Nick Carter, having just finished with his morning exercise and cold plunge, was told that there was a gentleman in the reception-room who wished to see him on matters of the utmost importance, as soon as he was at liberty to descend, and the servant who brought the ..

Nick Carter Stories No. 139

Nick Carter Stories No. 139

by Nicholas Carter

He was English to the bone. English in aspect, attitude, attire, and accent. English of the most pronounced and impressive type—but impressive upon as keen and thoroughbred an American observer as the famous New York detective chiefly because of the insipid and mildly obtrusive aristocracy that stuck out all over him.He was tall and slender. He wor..