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PDF Books in Mystery & Detective Fiction

The Legacy of Cain

The Legacy of Cain

by Wilkie Collins

Published in 1888, The Legacy of Cain was the final novel completed by Collins and the last to be syndicated by Tillotson.  The Legacy of Cain explores the theme of hereditary evil, and attacks the idea that 'bad blood' necessarily results in a criminality.The main story begins in 1875.  Helena and Eunice are sisters brought up by th..

My Lady's Money

My Lady's Money

by Wilkie Collins

My Lady's Money is a novella written by Wilkie Collins. Lady Lydiard has an uncomfortable bit of business to settle, and intends to do so with a five hundred pound note. But just as she is about to complete the letter with which she is to send the note off, an emergency occurs in the house, and for a little while everyone is preoccupied - be it wit..

The Queen of Hearts

The Queen of Hearts

by Wilkie Collins

The elderly Brothers Owen, Morgan and Griffith live a quiet, retired life in the countryside, which is turned upside-down by Griffith's ward, the young Jessie Yelverton. Originally, her visit to them was to last only six weeks, but for a very certain reason, the gentlemen must find a way to prolong her visit and get Jessie to stay for ten more days..

Ice Planet

Ice Planet

by Carl Selwyn

There were twelve seats but only five passengers. Further down was a tubercular-looking Martian and near the pilot room sat a fat man with a woman. The fat man chewed sleepily on a dead cigar and the woman stared out of the window. They were handcuffed together. Slowly a faint siren hum penetrated the cabin, not unlike the sound of a power plant. A..

The Castlecourt Diamond Mystery

The Castlecourt Diamond Mystery

by Geraldine Bonner

 The Castlecourt Diamond Mystery is a mystery novel written by Geraldine Bonner, the author of “Hard Pan,” “The Pioneers,” etc.Lord Castlecourt didn’t like going to the hotel at all. Chawlmers used to tell me how he’d talk sometimes. Chawlmers has been with my lord ten years, and was born on the estate of Castlecourt Marsh Manor. But my lord g..

Under Three Flags

Under Three Flags

by Bert Leston Taylor

There is an infinite calm in the late spring air, and the golden afternoon drifts by on lazy pinions. Away in the west, across the vale, the main spur of the Green Mountain range awaits the last pencilings of the low-descending sun. Southward Wild River sings its way through buttercup and daisy flecked meadows; to the north the smoke from the chimn..

A Son of Ishmael -  A Novel

A Son of Ishmael - A Novel

by L. T. Meade

Not many years ago in the neighbourhood of Andover stood a lonely house, which went by the name of the Grange. It was enclosed in walled-in gardens, and people who passed by on the high road saw nothing of it. The house itself was squarely built—its windows were small, with old-fashioned latticed panes, and its thick walls were closely covered with..

Special Detective (Ashton-Kirk)

Special Detective (Ashton-Kirk)

by John Thomas McIntyre

SHTON-KIRK is a young man of means and position. The unusual has a sort of fascination for him; his subtle perception, and keen, direct habit of mind cause him to delight in the investigation of those crimes which have proved too shadowy for the police.In “Ashton-Kirk, Investigator,” another book dealing with his experiences, he was concerned with ..