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English Folk-Song and Dance

English Folk-Song and Dance

by Frank Kidson

A simple air of eight or sixteen bars may not appear difficult to evolve, or even worth evolving at all, much less of record; but when the matter is further considered, we have to acknowledge that seemingly trivial melodies have wrought effects which have upset thrones and changed the fate of nations. Where they have not had this great political in..

Young Folks Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, March 1902

Young Folks Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, March 1902

by Herbert Leonard Coggins

The year was 1777, a fateful one indeed for the American arms in the struggle for liberty—a year of both blessing and misfortune for the patriot cause. Within its twelve months the Continental army achieved some notable victories; but it suffered, too, memorable defeats. It was the year when human liberty seemed trembling in the balance, when all n..

Young Folks Magazine, Vol. I, No. 2, April 1902

Young Folks Magazine, Vol. I, No. 2, April 1902

by Herbert Leonard Coggins

The story opens in the year 1777, during one of the most critical periods of the Revolution. Hadley Morris, our hero, is in the employ of Jonas Benson, the host of the Three Oaks, a well known inn on the road between Philadelphia and New York. Like most of his neighbors, Hadley is an ardent sympathizer with the American cause. When, therefore, the ..

A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms

A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms

by Faxian

Several times during my long residence in Hong Kong I endeavoured to read through the ‘Narrative of Fâ-Hien;’ but though interested with the graphic details of much of the work, its columns bristled so constantly—now with his phonetic representations of Sanskrit words, and now with his substitution for them of their meanings in Chinese characters, ..

Brief for the higher education of the negro

Brief for the higher education of the negro

by Kelly Miller

The education of the Negro is not of itself a thing apart, but is an integral factor of the general pedagogic equation. Race psychology has not yet been formulated. No reputable authority has pointed out just wherein the two races differ in any evident mental feature. The mind of the Negro is of the same nature as that of the white man and needs th..

Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare -  Twelve Essays

Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare - Twelve Essays

by John Weiss

This subject is best reached from the point of reflecting that, of all the animals, man alone appears to be capable of laughter. If, as so many naturalists now claim, man has ascended by successive evolutions of varieties from a lower animal type, we ought to be able to find some germs of the laughing propensity among our ancestors. The first witne..

The Boston cooking-school cook book

The Boston cooking-school cook book

by Fannie Merritt Farmer

With the progress of knowledge the needs of the human body have not been forgotten. During the last decade much time has been given by scientists to the study of foods and their dietetic value, and it is a subject which rightfully should demand much consideration from all. I certainly feel that the time is not far distant when a knowledge of the pr..

The Life of Rev. David Brainerd

The Life of Rev. David Brainerd

by Jonathan Edwards

It is a striking characteristic of the life of Brainerd, from the time of his entering on the study of Theology till his death, that he daily “walked with God,” or mourned the absence of the light of his countenance. President Edwards has endeavored to exhibit the state of his mind each day, as described in his diary. In this edition, many passages..